In Queensland, the Fire and Emergencies Act 1990 requires smoke alarms are installed in all domestic dwellings. It is the responsibility of the landlord to ensure smoke alarms are in working order and meet the requirements of Australian Standard 3786 and must be cleaned and have the batteries changed within 30 days of a new tenancy agreement or lease renewal.
Smoke alarms must also be located in compliant locations as set out in the Building Code of Australia Part 3.7.2. From the 1st of January 2022 any property in Queensland that is sold, has a lease renewal or change of tenancy must comply with the new legislation.
All alarms must be:
Product Information:
Terms and conditions:
Warranty document available upon request for properties subscribed. For SAA alarms, SAA will replace non-functional (specific brands), missing, or damaged interlinked alarms as part of the service when the technician or electrician attends to the property. Missing or damaged alarms will be charged at $139 per alarm inc GST.
In Queensland, the Fire and Emergencies Act 1990 requires smoke alarms are installed in all domestic dwellings. It is the responsibility of owner to ensure smoke alarms are located in compliant locations as set out in the Building Code of Australia Part 3.7.2. From the 1st of January 2022 any property in Queensland that is sold must comply with the new legislation. Not having smoke alarms installed could delay your sale and the owner will not have all details required for the Form 24.
All alarms must be:
Product Information:
Terms and conditions:
It is the responsibility of the landlord to ensure smoke alarms are in working order and meet the requirements of Australian Standard 3786. Smoke alarms must be placed in compliant locations as set out in the Building Code of Australia Part 3.7.2.
Standard residential requirements
As of September 2020, it is law in NSW that a landlord must:
Product and Pricing Information (standard residential services):
Short Term Stay (NSW Only)
From October 2021, all holiday rental properties must conform to new policies introduced via amendments to State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 (EP&A Regulation).
Product and Pricing Information (short term rentals):
The Australian Capital Territory Residential Tenancies Act 1997 dictates that smoke alarms must be installed and maintained in properties in which persons sleep.
It is the responsibility of landlords to ensure proper installation, testing and maintenance occur within the property.
In addition to legislation, smoke alarms within properties must also comply to the Building Code of Australia 3.7.2.
Within the ACT it is law that:
Product and Pricing Information:
ESS and GAS pricing and information is on the tab below.
It is the responsibility of the residential rental provider to ensure smoke alarms are in working order and meet the requirements of Australian Standard 3786. Smoke alarms must be placed in compliant locations as set out in the Building Code of Australia Part 3.7.2.
As of 29 MARCH 2021, it is law in VICTORIA that a residential rental provider must ensure that:
Note: Regulations made under the Building Act 1993 require smoke alarms to be installed in all residential buildings.
Product and Pricing Information:
Victorian rental providers must ensure an electrical safety inspection is carried out on all electrical installations, appliances, and fittings provided in rental properties once every two years, and a report is provided to the Agency for the tenant.
Service includes:
Victorian rental providers must ensure gas safety inspections are carried out on all gas installations, appliances, and fittings provided in rental properties once every two years and be conducted by a qualified gas plumber.
Services include:
For any gas rectification works needed the evidence of the works being carried out should be sent back to Smoke Alarms Australia directly to to then issue the Gas Safety Certificate. Non-compliant properties will be passed to Energy Safe Victoria once the 30 day rectification period is up.
Product and Pricing Information:
Please note: Properties where a confirmed appointment is made with the tenant for gas services only, a charge of $360 + GST will apply for re-attendance if the tenant does not cancel at least 24 hours prior to the confirmed time and is not at home when the inspection is due to take place.
In Western Australia, the Building Regulations 2012 requires smoke alarms are installed and are in working order prior to the start of a tenancy agreement.
Smoke alarms must be connected to mains power (unless approved for ten year tamper proof lithium battery), be no more than ten years old, be placed in compliant locations as set out in the Building Code of Australia Part 3.7.2 and function tested on a regular basis.
Landlords are responsible for the ongoing maintenance of smoke alarms:
Note: RCD checks are to test the functionality of the RCD only.
Product & Pricing Information:
In South Australia, Landlords must ensure their rental property is properly fitted with the required number of working smoke alarms, complying with the Australian Standard (3786:2014), and they are installed as outlined in the Building Code of Australia (BCA) part 3.7.2 Australia. These alarms must be hard-wired to the 240 volt mains power supply unless the dwelling is not connected to such a supply. They should also be fitted with a back-up battery to provide power in case of a mains power supply failure. In dwellings not connected to mains power, smoke alarms powered by 10 year life, non-replaceable, non-removable, permanently connected batteries may be installed.
How Many Smoke Alarms and Where?
The Development Regulations require that one or more smoke alarms must be installed in every dwelling in locations that will provide reasonable warning to occupants of sleeping areas so that they may safely evacuate in the event of a fire.
Product & Pricing Information:
Smoke alarms + Safety Switch testing
Smoke alarms + Safety Switch testing + Blinds